Monday 18 February 2013

Dehumanising of Women in Nigerian Music.

Dehumanising of women in Nigerian music. 

(Sexualisation of women in music)...

It is obvious that we are loosing all Gradually.  It has now become  a trend by our highly talented music artist to use women and portray them as mere "sex tools" and toys in their lyrics. Almost music we hear today are all about the woman body  . They even boldly select a part eg. "The waist" " bum bum" " figure8".

 The worse part is that  women are not saying anything, they enjoy the it , some are trilled and even get down to dance as soon as they hear "Bum Bum"  .
Worse are the music videos; you see mostly  semi-naked woman all through the video , reduced to mere sex objects who don’t work for any thing but depend on fully-dressed men rich "cool" guys.  
I really can not believe that women still continue to accept such degradation and dehumanisation roles. Well some say it is art.

Women are continually being  dehumanised into sex objects in music videos, showing a stereotypes about how a beautiful woman should look like. Everyday Women are publicly and globally dehumanised and yet the women are not talking or sorry not talking or protesting enough.

Some say " Sex sell" but please not to the throw away the dignity of womanhood.

I am a man but I had to bring this up because I have young children growing up , I don't want my girls ( daughters ) to grow up thinking they are less that a man's intellectual capacity , or my boy (son ) to think that women are only endowed in the flesh but have no content in character...

Women  next time you watch a musical video or dance to a song, ask these questions:
What does that mean to the womenkind ? 
how do you feel about such a music video? 
Does it say that women are only  good if  they are to be laid ?
Does it dignify the woman or dehumanise her?

Please make a comment on the way forward

1 comment:

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