Saturday 9 February 2013

Knowing the gift of the Spirit.

Gift of the spirit

1) Word of Wisdom
2) Word of Knowledge
3) Faith
4) Gifts of Healing
5) Working of Miracles
6) Prophecy
7) Discerning of Spirits
8) Divers (or different) kinds of Tongues
9) Interpretation of (different) Tongues.  (note: this list is not exhaustive)

The gift of the spirit Is a gift that the Lord gives a believer, for the edifying of the Body, they are not gifts that were developed by our human capacities. So do not brag with the these gifts. If we exalt in our gifts, we are taking credit for something that we have not earned ourselves.
In  1st Corinthians12   Paul tells us that ;
-There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.
-No two gifts are the same and generally no two believers have exactly the same gifts.
- gifts are given for the common good of the church.

Read. 1st Corinthians12:

 You can clik further to get answers to the following frequently asked  questions:
what are these gifts of the Spirit? How can you know that you have particular gifts of the Spirit? Can others give us an indication of what our gift is? What does the believer do with these gifts in the church? Are some gifts more important than others? Are the gifts of healing still being accessed today by believers? Is the gift of miracles still existent in the church today?

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